Friday, February 4, 2011

alllllmosstt, aalllmosstttt!!!!!

Hey all, this is a post about an update on Josh's visa and on us moving over to the US of A!!!

So as you know, we have been praying so much for the visa process to finally finish. We have asked many of our friends and family to be mindful of us in their prayers as well, as we were really getting nervous and upset that the visa process wouldn't finish when we needed it to, that they would throw another curveball at us, etc.

Well, Josh called the office today and they have told us that all is well and approved at their processing office! They were just waiting to allot us an interview at the US Embassy in London. They said those type of interviews take place in the first two weeks of each month, and that they still had to confirm if we could indeed get an interview in March!

OOOOHHHHHHHHH MYYY this news was such a relief to me! They don't need any more paperwork from us! All we need is to get this interview scheduled.

Josh and I have been praying that all this would be done by mid-March. I have complete faith that it will be! Heavenly Father is mindful of us and will bless us if it be his will!

I am happy to share this news with you all. I cannot wait to be at home in the States soon. I haven't seen most of my family or friends in over a year. And it's been over a year since we made the decision to move to the States, and over a year since this visa has been processing. It is such a blessing to have them all come to a close.

I am going to be home in March, as my great friend Jill has asked me to do her wedding photography on March 22nd! So Giles and I will be there for that, and thankfully Josh will I am sure be able to join us then too!

Thank you all who have prayed for us, love to you all! HOME SOOOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x


  1. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!! That is amazing news! I am so glad things are looking good!!! Cheesecake-making, movie watching, babies playing, "Jo! I love Jo!" days are almost here!!!!

  2. Congratulations, Mallory!!! So happy for your good news!

  3. Aw yay I'm pleased things are finally coming together for you. We will miss you though! xx
