Update on my little Giles Evans...
-Giles LOVESSSSS to walk!!!!!!! Haha, okay he cannot walk for reals for realsies but we'll hold his hands and he will seriously walk all around! He takes really good big steps! As soon as he gets his balance, he will be up and running around!! It's so amazing to watch, hah! He is just barely getting an interest in crawling, but he would much rather be up on his feet.
-He is using language SOO much more now. He has always been so talkative, with all the oohs ahhs babas dadas didis ha ha hoo hoo so many sounds. But he has started including them in his cries or whines too! Haha! He seriously sounds like he's proper yelling and screaming at us when he's yelling AND going DADABAHADAHDDAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Hahah!!! So funny!
-He is just the happiest of happy babies. He is always ready to throw a huge smile. It is soo joyous to watch. He is so great with people and loves to make friends and smile at everyone!
-He is just shy of 20 lbs! SOO big! Can barely carry him around anymore!
-No teeth yet, don't know when they'll show up but we'll see!
-We have been showing him how to play with his voice for a long while now, like moving our finger fast over his mouth to make the Native American-like AH-WA-WHA-WA. But now he does it himself! Haha he'll wave his fist over his mouth when he's talking and make the broken sounds himself. :P
-There's this little rocking police car toy at my in-laws house, and Giles loves to rock on it and push the buttons, which make engine sounds and police siren sounds, etc. But he doesn't love rocking on it as much as he loves standing on it! Right when you put him on the bike, he stands right up and we rock him back and forth like that! Haha he loves to stand on anything and everything! So cool seeing him try to be a big boy hah he totally doesn't know his own limitations hah. Doesn't know that he's only 7 months old!
Well that's the recent info on my little angel!!!!!!! Hope you have enjoyed sharing in these updates as much as I enjoy giving them!
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