He is talk talk talking away. All sorts of sounds now! Baba, dada, ti, ta, gada, but no mama yet, hah.
He can sit up perfectly! It's so adorable to see him just sitting there like the big lump that he is! Where did my tiny baby go??!
He rolls but can't roll back over onto his back haha. How does one go about teaching him that?? We're trying hah but yeah he's not interested in putting in that much effort yet haha. He still LOVES to stand but yeah not too much rolling around yet!
We've given Giles rice cereal for a while now, but we've just started on proper purees. We've done carrots so far and we're on peas now. He LOVES food haha, I can't shovel it in fast enough. It's so cool seeing him grow and eat real food now. But there's a huge downside, real poops! UGH! Not sweet baby poops anymore haha, so that's been gross!
Giles, like any kid probably, loves to watch other kids. He loves all of his British cousins so much, and we've just recently been blessed with a new cousin, baby Isabella!
Giles raises his arms now when he wants to be picked up, or when he wants mama to hold him instead of dada haha! It's adorable, I love it.
As for Josh and I, we're praying so hard for this visa to come through. It's been in the final stages for nearly 2 months now. We're just waiting for them to give us a dang interview at the embassy, and then it should be all squared away after that!! We would soooo appreciate all of your prayers so that this visa can come through and we won't have to be separated as a family (as I'm dying to go home! And my UK visa runs out soon anway!)
^My sisters-in-law, Charlotte and Holly, with all of my British nieces and nephews, minus Javen. This pic shows Evelyn, Sammy, Hyrum, Isabella, and my Giles.
Cute pic!! Love my baby G. He's so big! You look gorg. Can't wait to see you! Come on visa!!