This post is about my baby's first Christmas!
It's been such an exciting time preparing for Christmas! I've loved shopping this year soooo much. We've had a bit more money this year and I've loved to buy nice things for my loved ones without feeling sick to my stomach about not being able to get a lot. Oh, don't get me wrong, we did spend more than we should have hah but it truly is so great to give, much better than to receive. So I've loved getting things this year! Giles really is a gem in shops, too. He is so good, he rarely whines and he is usually so chill.
For Giles' first Christmas, we bought him a floor piano that he can kick at or tap at on his tummy. It plays in piano, trumpet, drums, and violin. We bought it so he can enjoy his tummy time more. He is getting better at it but yeah he does get fed up still sometimes hah. He's very strong with his head and arms and lifting himself up, but sometimes still after a while he wants to roll onto his back.
We got him this little musical trumpet thing, a 'First Christmas' book, some finger puppet books (one's Old MacDonald with animal fingers and the other is Noah's Ark with animals and Noah on the thumb hehe), a Sunday sweater and collared shirt, and some other things. Josh's co-worker for secret Santa also got us a 'Baby's First Christmas' Hand print set. We took his hand and foot print and carved the date and his name! So preshhhh!
Other gifts he received were a monkey hand puppet, a Noah's ark boat with stuffed animals and a stuffed Noah inside, a Bible pop-up book, a Greg Olsen Savior book, a foot cosy for his stroller to keep his feet warm, a hilarious t-shirt from my sister, a musical puzzle, aaannnnddd..... A MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL KIT!!!!!!!!!!!! We were so excited that Dave and Lorna got him one. He is our proper British boy now with his football jersey, shorts, and Nike socks! He'll play for England one day! hah!
Giles was okay during Christmas, he's been having a bit of a rough time lately. He is starting to teethe really bad now. We can tell it's paining him now, it's not just the excess drooling anymore. He really chomps hard on things and whines a lot. Poor poor baby :<. So he wasn't the happiest on Christmas! He also had constipation a bit so he was a bit off and on. But I'm sure he will enjoy his new toys a lot!
Josh and I had a really great Christmas with his family as well. It was a nice happy day with good food and good company! For Christmas, I bought Josh 2 DVDs, Inception and How to Train Your Dragon. I also surprised him and bought him a fancy Superdry Hoodie. He really loved it and was so happy to have it. He shined up my wedding rings for Christmas, he bought me a huge Toblerone, an awesome Muppets t-shirt, the 'It's Complicated' DVD, and GORGEOUS glittery festive red flowers. The gifts were really sweet, he is so good to me!
We also got a gym membership for the remaining time we're going to be in England, we got sweatpants, a cute Union Jack frame and pillow, new scarves, sneakers for Josh, a pretty purple jade and ameythest necklace and earrings for me, an HMV gift card, and we also received tickets for a date out! Dave and Lorn got us tickets to attend a classical music concert on New Year's Day. So that will be fun to have a date together!
My mother mailed us a package of Christmas jammies and American candies, but stupidly IT GOT STOLEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yep, she mailed it like 2 months ago, and we haven't received it, so pretty much it's gone! But she did get us money so Josh and I could get some clothes, and she mailed Giles some more clothes because the little sprout is growing so fast out of his clothes he has already!
Totally aside from the gifts we received, we really had a lovely holiday remembering our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, his birth, his life, and all that he did for us. On Christmas Eve, we read from the Bible, watched the church DVD Joy to the World, and had a lovely devotional. Christmas Day we also had a little devotional together. I tried hard to keep Him in my heart extra much! The reason for the season (forgive the rhyme haha) is Jesus Christ, and I think this year I've realized most that that important fact is SO completely hidden from the world today. Christmas to the world is SO SO SO very much unconcerned with the Savior. It is about shopping and bling and money. This is my first Christmas as a mother, and I've realized that I have to work very hard for my kids to really know that Christmas is about the Savior, Heavenly Father's gift to us.
It has been such a lovely season. I have loved spending extra time with Josh and I've loved being with my gorgeous little boy Giles! It has been a great first Christmas as parents and I am SO ecstatic to celebrate many more and with more kiddies coming in the future and our family and our traditions building up and up and up!
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