-He just HAS to stand nowadays (with help obviously! hah). He loves to stand, wobble around, and take in everything. He's always been so alert, so standing is his new favorite viewpoint.
-Giles is just drooling more and more. It's getting quite bad hah! He is definitely in the teething stages. No signs of a tooth yet, but it will probably just pop up one day.
-He talks all day long. He is always going 'woo woo woo woo woo woo woo', ALL day haha. But he throws in some high pitched squeals and laughs when he's especially delighted. I just love his high pitched sounds hahah. I crack up everytime!
-Giles is getting very good being on his tummy. He lifts his head wayyy up now, and can hold it up for a long time, about 2 or 3 minutes. He lifts his legs up at the same time as well and he looks like a dolphin at Sea World haha.
-He is developing a little mind of his own more and more. Gone are the days of little soft baby you can easily do anything with like swaddling him up, putting him in his car seat, holding him calmly on your lap or in your arms, etc. He is getting so strong and he will thrash around if he doesn't want to do something haha. This means he's getting a bit more difficult at church haha. He used to just chill or even sleep most of the way through. But I've had to take him out a few times for being too noisy, etc.
He is just growing up so so so fast. I love spending my days with him, playing with him and trying to stimulate his brain. He just loves books still and he loves interaction. He is so alert and so happy, he really is rarely fussy. I find I am just kissing him all day long haha! You never know before motherhood exactly how much you're going to love your child. You really can't fully fathom that love! I just love my little Giles and I feel SO blessed that he is healthy and doing well. :P
Ikaika is obsessed with standing up. And he does the same thing for his tummy time. Still hates it but he will do it. I love how fast they are growing up, I can't wait to meet Giles