^Carsten, Belinda, and my sister-in-law Holly
This past few days there have been some friends of my in-laws from Germany staying at the house. My husband and his family knew them from their days living in Germany. They lived there many years as my father in law worked for the British Army as a dental hygienist. The lovely visiting family were the Stiegelmeyers- dad Carsten, mom Belinda (from Spain originally), and children Tabea (14), Elias (12), and Noelia(10).
I just completely fell in love with the family right away! I had so much fun speaking with them, getting to know them, joking around with the children. The kids were OBSESSED with baby Giles. Like craazzzyyy obsessed! Like, I had to bat them away half the time to keep them from suffocating my little boy haha. But they really were lovely though, they made me laugh! The first time they saw Giles downing a bottle, he had just woken up so he was drinking with his eyes closed and with his hands folded together. From seeing that, the kids started calling him 'baby death-eater'. Death, because he looked like a corpse apparently, with folded hands. And eater, because he was eating hah. So they called him death-eater, in honor of good ol' Harry Potter. What kooky kids, right??? hhaha
The Stiegelmeyers were all very kind, very easygoing, and very intelligent. They spoke many languages! Played many instruments! I definitely want my children to be as well rounded and polite as Tabea, Elias, and Noelia.
It was just great to be around them, and I am very happy I met them!
^Tabea and Elias with Giles. Didn't get a pic of Noelia! :<
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